Category: strategy

Why the commie riots are harbingers of freedom

Article by Cal Nogov on June 28, 2016   The title seems counter intuitive.  Commies aren’t about freedom, they’re about collective enslavement. I love watching the commies riot.  I know, it’s sick.  It’s also fascinating.  Why are they rioting?  Why…

An underutilized resource for anarchists

Article by Cal Nogov on Dec. 11, 2015   In a word:  Craigslist.  The politics section there is lively with left/right discord, but rare is the libertarian/anarchist represented.  I post there with good results.  I post a link and a…

Today’s Bandits

Article by Bob Podolsky republished by permission Oct. 20, 2015 Originally published at How Yesteryear’s Highway Bandits Took Over the World And What We Can Do About It   I don’t fancy myself a historian – but I am…

Cognitive Dissonance

Article by Ben Doolin on Oct. 1, 2015   From Wikipedia – “In psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time,…

The facebook sucketh

Article by Colonel Nogov on Sept. 4, 2015 My facebook pages were disabled by facebook the other morning.  No explanations.  No nothing.  Just wham-o gone. I’ve got a love/hate relationship with facebook.  When I started this blog I had no…

You gonna pull those hog legs or whistle dixie?

Article by Colonel Nogov on Aug. 4, 2015 Anarchists understand free markets, but I don’t think they understand what it actually means to compete on a free market.  “We’re going to educate the people”.  “We’re going to use reason and…

The 2 things to avoid to achieve greatness

Article by Colonel Nogov on July 27, 2015   I used to be a perfectionist.  You’d think that would be a good thing.  Always trying to make things perfect.  Well let me tell you, it’s the exact opposite.  Perfectionism is…