Gift giving, the ancient art of buying people

Article by Colonel Nogov on July 17, 2015


Here’s the headline:

Minnesota Police Officer Spent Last Day on the Job Giving Gift Cards to Strangers

Why would he do that?  Why would the Mainstream report it?  Obviously, it’s propaganda.  Here you get a double dose.  The gifts themselves and the reporting of the giving of gifts.  You get a lot more bang for your buck that way.

Gift giving is meant to buy people.  It’s meant to effect people’s minds.

How does the giving of a gift affect the mind of the recipient?  Several things happen in people’s minds when they receive gifts.  They generally get a positive “feeling” towards the gift giver.  Often they’ll develop a sense of loyalty towards the gift giver.  They may feel a sense of guilt for not reciprocating or feel they owe something in return to the gift giver.

These are the intended results of the gift giver.  The gift giver, in general, isn’t giving gifts out of generosity, they are giving the gifts to get the above mentioned benefits.  The gift giver always expects to get more in return than what is given.

Las Vegas used to give out free rooms to people.  They still do, but to a lesser extent.  Back in the old days, people were given free rooms in the hotel/casinos not out of generosity of the casinos, but because they knew what the results would be in giving the rooms.  People would spend a lot more gambling and eating and buying from their gift shops.  It would also possibly buy loyalty.  People would always stay at the same hotel/casino or make more trips per year to the hotel/casino.

Do you ever feel a sense of guilt when a business gives you a “free” gift when you haven’t even purchased their product or service?  That’s what’s intended.  They’ve given you a gift, now you should reciprocate and do business with them.  That’s the idea anyway.  Here is a way to avoid that guilty feeling.  You can either not accept the gift or if you do accept the gift, but don’t want to purchase anything from the business, think of it like this.  Businesses spend money on marketing.  You don’t feel guilty when you see a commercial and don’t buy the product advertised, you shouldn’t feel guilty after receiving a gift and not buying the product either.  It’s just a marketing program by the business.  The business has just chosen to use their marketing budget to purchase gifts and give them away instead of buying advertising, or they may include gift giving in their overall marketing campaign.  If it gets you to buy their product or service or develops a brand loyalty, great.  But, you do not owe the business anything for accepting their gift.

Back to the government agent gift giving.  The government is trying to buy people’s loyalty.  The government is trying to buy a positive image by giving away free gifts.  Did this cop act on his own or is it a marketing campaign?  I don’t know.  But, the goal either way is to improve the image of the police and government in general.  Here in Portland, there’s a “free lunch” program during the summer.  Anyone under 18 years of age can get a free lunch from the government every day.  No paper work.  No questions asked.  Just show up and eat.  Get ’em while their young.  Get the impoverished.  Get the desperate.  Get those who lack the mental capacity to resist the manipulation.

The Romans gave away free bread.  Hence, the term “bread and circuses”.  Then and now, the peasants are either too stupid or just don’t care that they are being bought.  Any kind of government program that gives people money is intended to buy their loyalty, buy a positive image of government as generous.

Gift giving by businesses is a simply a marketing campaign.  One which you can ignore.  Gift giving by government is insidious.  It’s meant to keep your mind and body enslaved.  It’s meant to foment a positive image of the rulers in the minds of those who are ruled.  People today “feel” like they should pay taxes.  They “feel” like they should obey.  They “feel” patriotic(loyal) to the government.

I remember one day I was having a conversation with a man who (paraphrasing) denounced me for driving on the government roads and then having the nerve to criticize the government.  He obviously felt indebted to the government for providing the wonderful gift of roads and thought I should feel the same way.  I don’t feel indebted to the government for driving on the roads.  Actually, I feel the opposite.  The money to build these roads was stolen from me and others and then presented to me as some sort of gift I should be thankful for and feel indebted for.  That’s the same as a thief breaking into your house, stealing your jewelry, and then giving some of it back to you as a gift.  I’m not ingratiated to that thief.  I want the rest of my stuff back and the thief punished.

If you “feel” like you owe the government something, you’ve been manipulated to feel that way.  What’s more, it’s been done with money taken from you in the first place.  Every “free” service the government provides is intended to make you feel like a gift recipient.  It’s intended to buy your loyalty, give you a positive “feeling” towards the government, and make you feel indebted or obligated to the government.

