Has the revolution started?

Article by Colonel Nogov on May 20, 2015


Has the revolution started?

where is the line that defines when a revolution starts and have we crossed it?

Obviously, we can’t know.  Only time will tell.  Revolutions don’t start with a declaration of revolution.  The idea that a revolution has started is interesting to think about though.

Revolutions start slowly and build momentum.  I’ve heard people describe it as popcorn.  I think that’s an accurate description.  There’s a little bit of social unrest here. And then there.  And then it begins happening more frequently.  Pretty soon there are uprisings occurring all over.

Riots and protests have been popping up with more frequency lately.  Ferguson, Baltimore, the Bundy Ranch, others.  The Bundy ranch was interesting because the protesters showed up armed and apparently ready to return fire on government agents.  These weren’t starving, impoverished rioters.  This was relatively organized resistance.  The government backed off.  Had they not, this might have been a Lexington and Concord moment.

Targeted police assassinations also appear to be up.  I couldn’t find hard data, but here is a quote from law enforcement researcher Glenn McGovern.

“In the three years and three months of this decade, there have been 15 targeted attacks on law enforcement in the U.S. That compares with four in the first three years and three months of the 1970s, two in first three years and three months of the 1980s, and six each in the first three years and three months of the 1990s and 2000s.”

I forecast things are going to get a lot worse shortly.  The economy began its collapse in the mid 2000’s.  You read that right.  It’s not going to collapse, it’s already begun.  The government and federal reserve managed to animate the corpse with their tarp and QE money printing programs.  The hockey stick on the base money chart.  Those effects are wearing off.  The dead cat bounce is over.  Markets are crashing all over the place.  Oil, beef, pork, metals, lumber.  Just to name a few.  The labor force participation rate is at a 40 year low.  The people who are employed are working part time in greater numbers than ever before.  The unemployment rate number is a hoax.

Can another dose of QE money printing reanimate the corpse once again?  Maybe.  For a short time.  The dose will need to be much bigger than previous doses.  The question is always, “where does the inflation of the money supply flow?”.  The last doses flowed to the stock market, the real estate market, luxury items(paintings, expensive cars, yachts) to prop them up and reach record highs. The funny money flowed to the politically connected and they were looking for places to spend it.

Food, energy, and other common goods saw price increases, but not as much as the money printing would have suggested that they should have gone up.  Where will the money flow when QE4 (or some other synonym for money printing) is launched?  Does it buoy the markets again?  Does it cause hyperinflation?  We don’t know exactly how big the dose of money printing will be by the fed or where that money will flow.  One can speculate, but that’s a dangerous game.  If you intend to speculate when the announcement is made, my only advice is follow the insiders.  Gold and silver are the safe bets.  Physical, in your possession.

Ultimately, you cannot stop the collapse of an economy built on currency expansion.  The only question is how the final stage of collapse will come.  Hyperinflation or default deflation.  Both scenarios are very painful.  My guess is hyperinflation.  That is the more palatable for the politicians and politically connected.  But, either way, I don’t think anything can stop the horror to come.

The food riots are coming.  There is a very interesting correlation between food and revolution.  There have been many article written on the subject.  They’re fascinating and informative.  When the price of food reaches a certain level, relative to incomes, riots and revolutions break out.

I wrote of the economic collapse because it will bring about the food price to income ratio needed for the riots and revolution.  It doesn’t matter in which direction the economy finally hits the bottom.  Both ways will have the same effect.  Hyperinflation will cause food prices to spiral up and out of control.  If the government attempts to implement price controls, that will only lead to shortages.  A default deflation will cause unemployment to skyrocket.  The government will also default on its promised obligations because the government is bankrupt.  Welfare, food stamps, social security will not be paid.  For the most part, people on those programs are completely dependent on those programs.  When they are cut off, there will be rioting.

I personally think this economic collapse will be so bad that a revolution will occur.  It’s hard to imagine.  It’s human nature.  People never think anything bad will happen to them.  It’s always the other guy.  Or the other country in this instance.  But, I think it is happening and it’s going to get worse.  It’s both horrifying and compelling.

The government will not go quietly.  Some people think the government will go out with a yawn.  People will just ignore the government out of existence.  I don’t think so.  I think it will go down stealing and killing, trying to prevent its death like a monster fighting for its life.  The government is bankrupt, so it will steal any money it can get its hands on.  It will steal people’s retirement funds.  401k’s, Ira’s, bank accounts.  Remember, the people in the highest levels of government are almost entirely made up of psychopaths.  They have no consciences.  They will take people’s money and leave them to starve to death without a second thought when they deem it necessary.

The government needs money to pay its enforcers.  The police.  The politicians and politically connected need the police to protect them from the angry mob.  The government will try to crack down on dissent.  Detention camps and Mass executions will be commonplace.  People will be lured, at first, to the detention camps with promises of food, water, medicine, and shelter, but people will ultimately be forced there.  We’ve seen this scenario play out many times in history.

Right now the government is doing everything it can to create external threats in an attempt to draw people’s attention away.  Isis, war on terrorism, etc.  It doesn’t seem to be working anymore.  People are beginning to wake up to the real threat in their lives.  The government.  I anticipate a false flag or two this summer for distraction purposes.  (Did the government stir up the biker fight in Texas as a distraction and fear tactic to convince people of the need for government?)

I think the revolution has begun.  The first few popcorn kernels have popped.  More are coming.  What will the world look like on the other side?