Annotation by Colonel Nogov on Mar. 24, 2015 click above to view full article. Unlicensed businesses! The Horror! Government cracks down to protect its income stream. Government does not care about the people. It cares about money and power. …
Annotation by Colonel Nogov on Mar. 23, 2015 Read full article here Just the thought of the topic in this article sickens me! The government, our masters, decide whether or not we can pursue life saving treatments. It’s…
Annotation by Colonel Nogov on Mar. 23, 2015 Meme by militant libertarian click meme to visit militant libertarian Loved this meme. They make some good ones. – Colonel Nogov
Article by Colonel Nogov on Mar. 20, 2015 As the title suggests, this article is about selling anarchy. People don’t think of it this way, people don’t think of it as actually selling, but it is, and it needs…
Annotation by Colonel Nogov on Mar. 20, 2015 Read full article here If you’ve never pondered the death toll racked up by governments in the 20th century. This is should really give you something to think about. – …
Annotation by Colonel Nogov on Mar. 20, 2015 Read full article here Last month I reported that the Mainstream media was reporting more police abuse. It’s already tapering off and voila, here’s their solution as promised. The solution to…
Article by Colonel Nogov on Mar. 19, 2015 I often peruse the comments over at the huffington post. What I find there is mostly mindless drivel. Ah! The government is the answer man. The free market skeptic man.…
Annotation by colonel Nogov on Mar. 19, 2015 Read full article here It’s still amazing to me how people can be lied to over and over and still believe or want to believe the next lie. Politicians are liars. …
Annotation by Colonle Nogov on Mar. 19, 2015 Read full article here A couple days ago I dissected and destroyed a statists argument against anarchism. See here. I didn’t set up a straw man. I attacked the authors argument…
Article by Colonel Nogov on Mar. 18, 2015 I found this on a forum. It’s an older forum. I’ve snipped it so it’s word for word. The questioner took a quote from a book by Steve Pinker. I’m going to…
Article by Colonel Nogov on Mar. 17, 2015 Drugs, Drugs, Drugs If you know anyone who has school age kids and they are in the government schools, you’ve probably at least heard about how many kids are on psychostimulant…
Annotation by Colonel Nogov on Mar. 17, 2015 Read full article here This is an insightful article about the future of the U.S. Is revolution on the horizon? – Colonel Nogov
Annotation by Colonel Nogov on Mar. 17, 2015 Read full article here The title is of course a liberal progressive fantasy. This is a great article where Lawrence Reed destroys this fallacy with reason and evidence. – Colonel…
Annotation by Colonel Nogov on Mar. 16, 2015 Read full article here Occasionally, the rulers slip up and give us a brief glimpse into their real thoughts. This man believes himself to be our ruler. Given more power,…
Annotation by colonel Nogov on Mar. 16, 2015 Read full article here Of course they were. Criminals always try to cover up their crimes! – Colonel Nogov
Article by Colonel Nogov on Mar. 13, 2015 Dear Anarchist: (summary of various statists) If we didn’t have a government, wouldn’t the biggest gang just take over and rule people? Colonel Nogov: Isn’t that what we have today? The U.S.…